Welcome to our first Blog!!  S.F.T.G. Associates is an 11-year-old Business Consulting firm. We work with companies and nonprofit organizations to focus on best practices and how they can be best implemented throughout an organization – large or small.

There is a discipline of process and procedure that define best practices.  Most Fortune 500 companies follow their defined practices and yet that is not always the case in mid-size to smaller companies, and often neglected in smaller nonprofits.  This is because most nonprofit employees and volunteers are overwhelmed with the day-to-day struggle of keeping their programs going and for some, just keeping their doors open.

These are the organizations that have the greatest need for the implementation of best practices incorporated into their day-to-day operations.  Capacity Build is another term for this and is widely used today. The definition and organization of what needs to occur in a smaller faith-based or community-based nonprofit takes time and thought.  It is worth it.  Capacity Building should be tied to “learning” how to implement a strategic plan, keeping a Board involved and proactive, and creating an optimized organization.  It is good to have a consultant provide such services as Strategic Planning, Board Development, and Organizational Development, but this is all meaningless if one is not taught how to:

  • go about implementing a plan
  • creating measurable milestones that are then monitored for completion
  • know when a plan is off track or not and…
  • how to get it back on track.

The organization needs to be fortified and left stronger and more independent than when the consultant was retained.